Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Mode 9 to Release Next Studio Album Only in Digital Version

The scourge of piracy on musical releases in the country is no longer news and veteran rapper, Mode 9 is seeking to battle that with his next studio album, saying it’ll only be released digitally.

Modo revealed he has found it hard to get returns on his previous works, as the ‘Alaba boys‘ have denied him the benefits.
He said, “You give your CDs to the Alaba guys to market for you, and even though you see your CDs all over the place, whenever you call them to ask for your money, they tell you, e no sell. Should you decide to visit them at their shops, they will show you the CDs you gave them to sell, claiming, e no sell, all this in spite of evidence to the contrary. They simply copy the CDs, and sell their own copies, leaving the original copies unsold
On his next release, the rapper further said, “CDs are on their way out anyway. Digital music is the future, and so I have decided to release my forthcoming album online. It will only be available online via downloads for the enjoyment, and convenience of my fans“.

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