Tuesday, 5 January 2016


Do you know that as we speak in Nigeria a police man is not or  differently treated from a civilian??
Do you know that our local government authorities embezzle the money of the sovereign community given to them for local community utility and development,it's been converted to income for personal use of local government chairmen and we residential of communities don't blame any other person but the governor or the president for bad roads on our streets or for our social privileges denied by our local authorities??
Do you know a lot of people in Nigeria are blessed with a lot of talents and yet only the few using their talents are making it???
Do you know that despite lagos state is borrowing,are you also aware that the income revenue of lagos state can cater for another state in Nigeria?! it makes me ask where all the incomes are diverted??
Maybe it hasn't been brought to your awareness that petroleum workers off-shore don't use petrol or gas in generating electricity, but they convert water as their electricity generator??
Do you know agricultural, mining, and other various means of generating electricity are sectors Nigerian government are yet to give serious attentions??
Do you know in Nigeria as a country or let me say Africa as a whole we dictate what our children should be in future while In countries like China their secondary school students are the ones inventing phones we handle with care here??
Written and discovered by=praise
PART 2 LOADING........

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